This fifth textbook includes in-depth detailed teachings of Daoist esoteric theories and the practical applications of ancient Chinese Energetic Medicine. The key features of this fifth textbook include the following:
-Medical Qigong Therapy & Cancer Treatment
-Introduction to Cancer Clinical Protocols
-Social Oncology for Cancer Treatment
-Qigong Therapy, Radiation, and Chemotherapy
-Medical Qigong and Treating Brain Cancer
-Medical Qigong and Treating Blood Cancer
-Medical Qigong Therapy and Gynecology
-Medical Qigong For Treating Breast Diseases
-Treating Ovarian, Uterine, & Cervical Tumors
-Medical Qigong Therapy and Neurology
-Treating Various Types of Stroke
-Treating Various Types of Coma
-Medical Qigong Therapy And Geriatrics
-Treating Various Types of Dementia
-Treating Various Types of Arthritis
-Medical Qigong Therapy and Pediatrics
-Etiology of Diseased Conditions within the Womb
-Etiology of Diseased Conditions During Childhood
-Medical Qigong Therapy & Energetic Psychology
– Effects of Thoughts and Emotions on the Body’s Tissues
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